【核心素养目标】Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 3a

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【核心素养目标】Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 3a

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (3a—3c) 导学案学生姓名 班级 序号 1-2课题内容 Section A (3a—3c)(阅读课)学习目标 与 核心素养 Knowledge objectives: 1. 熟练掌握以下词汇和短语 background, interview, Asian, deal with, dare, crowd, ton, private, guard, require, take up, dare to do sth., in public, not… anymore, hang out, in front of, worry about, give up, make it. 2. 熟练掌握以下句型 1. I didn’t use to be popular in school,but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go. 2. You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. 3. Hanging out with friends is impossible for me now because there are always guards around me. Skill objectives: 1. 能掌握本课时出现的新词汇,学会谈论描述自己或他人的过去和现在。 2. 能够熟练运用“used to do”表达过去的行为模式和性格等。 3. 学会正确的阅读策略(找关键词,利用标题和图片等)。 Emotional objectives: 通过阅读文章反思自我的变化,判断是正向还是负向并向积极的方向发展。 Thinking quality objectives: 把曾经的自己和现在的自己进行比较来反思自己的成长,在反思中认识自己、发现自己和进步自己。学习重点 掌握重点单词的词义、词性、发音、固定搭配等。 通过阅读技巧分析文本,排除阅读障碍。学习难点1. 根据汉语意思写出下列短语。开始唱歌______________________________ 应对她的羞怯__________________________敢做某事______________________________ 不再……______________________________在众人面前____________________________ 反复;一直_____________________________被众人所关注;吸引____________________ 担心…;担忧…_________________________对……小心____________________________ 和朋友们闲逛________________________放弃你正常的生活____________________ 奋力坚持;继续战斗___________________需要很大的天赋和勤奋___________________________________________读一读,译一译。I have to be careful about what I say or do._____________________________________________________________________________________Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me._____________________________________________________________________________________I always have to worry about how I appear to others, and I have to be very careful about what I say or do._____________________________________________________________________________________You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is._____________________________________________________________________________________Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness._____________________________________________________________________________________Task 1:1. 通过单词学习,学生大声朗读单词,掌握本节课的新单词与短语。2. 学生们观看短视频,了解Courtney Hadwin从一个害羞的小女孩到美国达人秀冠军的经历。3. 几人一组,自由交谈,讨论Courtney Hadwin的经历过程,并回答老师问题,导入新授话题。Task 2:1. 让学生快速浏览3a标题和图片,然后预测文章类容和大意。1)What did the girl use to be like ________________________2)What does she do now ________________________3)Is she shy or outgoing now ________________________4)What’s the passage mainly about ( )A: A girl’s hobbies.B: A girl’s school life.C: A girl’s changes/experiences.2. 让学生快速浏览3a短文,然后找出本课的难点,并将文章的主旨与段落[1-3]相匹配,让学生在本节课上初步理解3a的短文。3. 让学生仔细阅读3a短文Para.1,老师并讲解,完成阅读任务。Candy’s BackgroundName:______________ Age:______________From:______________ Job:______________Personality In the past:__________________________________________ As she gets better:____________________________________ Now:________________________________________________4. 让学生仔细阅读3a短文Para.2,老师并讲解,完成阅读任务。How Candy’s life has changed.Changes In the past NowPersonality She used to be _____. She’s not shy __________.Behavior She didn’t use to be _______ in school. She gets _______ attention.Activities She used to _________ with friends. It is almost _________.Troubles and worries She didn’t use to __________ how she appears to others. She has to ______________ what she says or does.1. She’s able to ______ and ______ new people all the time.good things2. She gets _______________ everywhere she goes.1. She always has to ____________ how she appears to others.2. She has to ______________ what she says or does.bad thing3. She doesn’t have ____________ anymore.4. There are always _________________5. 让学生仔细阅读3a短文Para.3,老师并讲解,完成阅读任务。Candy’s Advice on How to Become Successful1:Young people have to be prepared to _______________________.2:The road to success is difficult, you need to ________ instead of ________.3:They rally require __________________________. Only a small number of people ________________.6. 启发孩子善于反思,在反思中认识自己、发现自己和进步自己,引导学生养成从不同角度反省自我的习惯。Task 3:1. 再读一遍这篇文章,完成关于Candy的句子,完成3b。1)She used to be shy, but now she’s not shy ________.2)She didn’t use to be _________ in school, but now she gets lots of attention.3)She used to __________ with friends, but it is almost impossible now.4)She didn’t use to _____________ how she appears to others, but now she does.2. 假设你是面试官,你的搭档是Candy。提问和回答问题,完成3c。3. 听3a对话,注意重点句段,反复跟读,模仿语音语调,根据思维导图复述这篇课文。4. Language points I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star...(教材P27 3a)(1)interview在此处作动词,意为“采访;面试”。如:这些天,我们正在采访即将到来的艺术节的一些学生。These days we ______________ some students for the coming art festival.这份工作我们面试了十个人。We __________ ten people for this job.(2)interview也可作名词,意为“面试;访谈”。如:不同国家的求职面试可能会有很大不同。Job __________ can be very different from country to country.他采访了那位著名记者。He gave an __________ to that famous journalist. I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star...(教材P27 3a)(1)Asian 在此处作形容词,意为“亚洲的”。除此之外,Asian作形容词还可意为“亚洲人的”。如:有多少亚洲国家参加了运动会?How many ______________ have taken part in the sports meeting 亚洲人的脚型与西方人有什么不同?How is the ______ foot type different from westerners (2)Asian还可作可数名词,意为“亚洲人”。如:昨天我在学校看到两个亚洲人。I saw ____________ at school yesterday. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.(教材P27 3a)(1) take up后常跟名词或动词-ing形式作宾语。take up doing sth.“开始/从事做某事”。如:他两年前开始从事农业。He _______________ two years ago.(2) 拓展延伸: take up还可意为“占据(空间)”;“占用(时间)”。如:新冰箱占用了太多空间。The new fridge _________ too much room.电脑游戏占用了他太多的时间。Computer games _________ too much of his time.(3) deal with的同义词组是do with,但deal with与how搭配,do with与what搭配。如:我应该如何处理这个问题?How should I __________ this problem 我该怎么处理这个问题?What should I __________ this problem … she dared to sing in front of her class.(教材P27 3a)(1)dare在此作实义动词,有时态、数等的变化,一般不用于进行时。dare to do sth.意为 “敢于做某事”。如:这个小女孩不敢问问题。The little girl doesn’t ___________________.(2)dare还可作情态动词,后接动词原形,常用于否定句或疑问句。如:我不敢在公共场合讲话。I ________ speak in public.她晚上敢一个人出去吗?________ she go out alone at night … because there are always guards around me.(教材P27 3a)(1)guard在此处作可数名词,意为“警卫;看守”。the Guards指(英国和其他一些国家的)禁军,御林军,近卫军。如:他在一家公司做保安。He works as a security ______ d in a company.(2)guard还可作及物动词,意为“守卫,保卫”。guard against sth.“防止/防范/提防某事”。如:很长一段时间,我守护着宁静的花园。For a long time, I _________ the garden of peace and quiet.每天刷牙以防牙齿疾病。Brush your teeth every day to ____________ tooth diseases. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.(教材P27 3a)(1)require sth.意为“需要某物”如:老年人独居时需要更多的照顾和关注。The old people require ______________________ when they live alone.(2)require sb. to do sth. “意为要求某人做某事”如:老师要求汤姆保持安静。The teacher _________________________.(3) (sth.) require doing意为 “(某事)需要被做”如:汽车需要清洗Cars require _________.(4) require+that从句 意为“需要....”如:成绩差需要我们努力学习。The poor grades _______ that we ( should) work hard.Task 4:1. 家庭作业。1)Do the exercises in students’ book.2)Read and recite the new words and the article in 3a.3)Preview in 4a~4c.Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。The boy ________(敢于) to climb the high mountain.The host ________(采访) the president last night.I'm too busy to have much ________(私人的) time.There are always some ________(警卫) around the singer.His ________(演讲) is very successful.Ⅱ. 单项选择。I ________ live here when I was a child.A. am used to B. was used toC. have been used to D. used to—Can you ________ all the things by yourself —Yes, I can.A. deal B. deal with C. deal in D. deal about________is bad for your eyes.A. Watch TV too much B. Watching TV too muchC. Watch too much TV D. Watched too much TV—It's too hard for me to be a movie star.—Never ________. Believe in yourself!A. put up B. give up C. hurry up D. look upWe require lots of time ________ the work.A. finish B. finishes C. to finish D. finishingⅢ. 完成句子。—我们什么时候见面?—让我们约定在上午8点吧。—When will we meet —Let's ________ ________ 8:00 am.我不能想象通往成功的路有多难。I can't imagine how difficult the road ________ ________ is.不要在公共场合惩罚你的孩子。Don't punish your children ________ ________.这房子需要修葺了。The house ________ ________.这周我没时间和朋友闲逛。I have no time to ________ ________ with my friends this week.预习案答案1. 根据汉语意思写出下列短语。take up singing deal with her shyness dare to do sth.not ... anymore in front of crowds all the timeget tons of attention worry about ... /be worried about ... worry about ... /be worried about ...hang out with friends give up your normal life fight onrequire a lot of talent and hard work2. 读一读,译一译。略探究案答案Task 2:1. 让学生快速浏览3a标题和图片,然后预测文章类容和大意。1)She used to be shy.2)She is a pop star now.3)She is outgoing now.4)C3. 让学生仔细阅读3a短文Para.1,老师并讲解,完成阅读任务。Candy Wang;19 years old;Asia;pop starshy, took up singing to deal with shynessdared to sing in front of classmatenot shy anymore and love singing in front of crowds4. 让学生仔细阅读3a短文Para.2,老师并讲解,完成阅读任务。shy;anymore;popular;tons of;hang out;impossible;worry about;be careful abouttravel;meet;tons of attention;worry about;be careful about;private time;guards around her5. 让学生仔细阅读3a短文Para.3,老师并讲解,完成阅读任务。1: give up your normal life2:fight on;giving up3:a lot of talent and hard work;make it to the topTask 3:1. anymore; popular; hang out ; worry about4. Language points are interviewing;interviewed;interviews;interview Asian countries;Asian;two Asians took up farming;takes up;take up;deal with;do with dare to ask questions;daren’t;Dare guard;guarded;guard against more care and attention;required Tom to keep quiet;washing;require训练案答案Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。dares interviewed private guards speechⅡ. 单项选择。D B B B CⅢ. 完成句子。make it to success in public requires/needs repairing hang out21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)






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